Octobre 2021


Déjeuner de rentrée du LMNO le 15 octobre 2021.


Marc-Hubert Nicole, PR TNGA,

Tuan Ngo Dac, DR TNGA,

Stavroula Makri, ATER,

Nacer Selilla, ATER,

Edouard Feingesicht, doctorant (Eddy Godelle),

Francesco Maria Ludica, doctorant (Marc-Hubert Nicole).


Paolo Bellingeri, année complète 2021-2022

Eric Ricard et Roland Vergnioux, six mois répartis sur 2021-2022.


Angelot Behajaina, Mohamed Boukraa, Tianlong He, Etienne Ménard, Ruben Munoz, Julien Poirier, Coumba Sarr (doctorants).

Tuan Anh Do, Anne-Laure Thiel (post-doctorants).


Miroslav Ploscica, Safàrik University, Kosice, Slovaquie (Friedrich Wehrung)

Lea Terracini, université de Turin, Italie, 9 novembre - 12 décembre 2021, donnera un cours dans le cadre de la Graduate School MINMACS.

Hatem Zayeni, doctorant ENIT Tunis (Franck Delvare) 2 septembre - 30 novembre 2021.


Journées du GT Entropie, mots, stat, 18 et 19 novembre 2021 (thémes principaux : MCMC et écologie)


Christophe Chesneau, éditeur associé, Computational and Mathematical Methods, Axioms, European Journal of Statistics, 2021.

Valérie Girardin, éditrice associée, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, Communications in Statistics: Case Studies Data Analysis and Applications, 2021.

Eric Ricard, Comité National CNRS 41.


Xumin Wang (Eric Ricard et Roland Vergnioux) décembre 2020 - novembre 2021.


Ouvrage collectif :

Arithmetic and Geometry over Local Fields, Lecture Notes in Mathematics (LNM 2275), éditeurs : Bruno Anglès et Tuan Nog Dac, avec des contributions de plusieurs membres du LMNO : Daniel Caro, Floric Tavares Ribeiro, Jérôme Poisneau, Daniele Turchetti.

Articles :

Al-Babtain A.A., Elbatal I., Chesneau C., Elgarhy, M. Estimation of different types of entropies for the Kumaraswamy distribution, PLoS ONE, 16, 3, e0249027, 2021.

Bagul Y.J., Chesneau C., Kostic M., On the Cusa-Huygens inequality, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, 115, 1-12, 2021.

P. Bellingeri, D. Gonçalves, J. Guaschi, Lower central series, surface braid groups, surjections and permutations, à paraître dans Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

Bouali D.L., Benatia F., Brahimi B., Chesneau C., Robust estimator of conditional tail expectation of heavy-tailed losses, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 15-16, 2021.

M. Brannan, R. Vergnioux, S.-G. Youn, Property RD and hypercontractivity for orthogonal free quantum groups, International Mathematics Research Notices, 1573-1601, 2021.

L. Cadilhac, E. Ricard, Sums of free variables in fully symmetric spaces. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 122, 724–744, 2021.

Chesneau C., Bakouch H.S., Hussain T. Para B.A., The cosine geometric distribution with count data modeling,  Journal of Applied Statistics, 48,124-137 2021.

V. Girardin, R. Senoussi, Time Changes and Stationarity Issues for Continuous Time Scalar Autoregressive Processes,  Statistical Topics and Stochastic Models for Dependent Data with Applications, éditeurs : Vlad Barbu et Nicolas Vergne, ISTE Wiley, 2021.

D. Lima Gonçalves, J. Guaschi, O. Ocampo, C. de Miranda E Pereiro, Crystallographic groups and flat manifolds from surface braid groups, Journal of Algebra, Elsevier, 293, 107560, 2021, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166864120305046

V. Guirardel, G. Levitt, R. Sklinos, Towers and the first-order theories of hyperbolic groups, Memoirs of the AMS, 2021.

Korkmaz M.C., Chesneau C., On the unit Burr-XII distribution with the quantile regression modeling and applications, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 40, Article number: 29, 1-26, 2021.

P. Cubides Kovacsics, J. Poisneau, Definable sets of Berkovich curves, Journal de l’IMJ, 2021.

Paidipati K.K., Chesneau C., Nayana B.M., Kumar K.R., Polisetty K., Kurangi C., Prediction of rice cultivation in India- Support vector regression approach with various kernels for non-linear patterns, AgriEngineering, 3, 182-198, 2021.

F. Wehrung, Right-orderability versus left-orderability for monoids, Semigroup Forum 102, 885–899, 2021, DOI 10.1007/s00233-021-10185-y

F. Wehrung, From non-commutative diagrams to anti-elementary classes, J. Math. Logic 21, 2021, DOI 10.1142/S0219061321500112