MoKa notes. ____________________________________________________________ Additional instructions: - When a sets of reducts is computed (ans they are not too big), the associated graph can be saved as an external .dot file, which can then be vizualized using a software like "GraphViz". When starting "MoKa", you will be asked if you wish to use this possibility and, if so, where you wish to save the files. By default, the files are saved in the directory where MoKa is. * If you run the MacOS version, you may choose any other directory, provided it exists (otherwise the program crashes). * If you use the Docker version, things are slightly more complicated, as the Docker machine is hidden in your machine; what you should do is: . Create a directory . Get the (complete) address aaa of that directory in your machine, something like (say) "/Users/YourName/Desktop/Output" if the directory is named "Output" and it lies on your desktop . When running Docker, type run -v aaa :/workspace -it dehornoy/programs instead of run -it dehornoy/programs whose effect is to create a visible copy of the (hidden) workspace directory where the Docker machine runs. Then you can get the output files in the directory aaa. ____________________________________________________________ Release notes: version 1.1 (Aug. 1, 2016) version 1.2 (Sep. 10, 2016) - Improved the interface for treating one multifraction. - Improved the control of aborting time. - Fixed a bug in the way unital multifractions are generated (case of very small length). - Added initial control for the directory where .dot files are saved (otherwise could crash). version 1.3 (Nov. 20, 2016) - Added the 4-Ore condition. - Made the installation messages more compact.